Source code for cbp.builder.hmm_simulator

import pickle
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from numpy.random import RandomState
from numba import jit

from cbp.utils.np_utils import empirical_marginal

[docs]class PotentialType(str, Enum): """Potential Type Enum """ INIT = 'Init' TRANSITION = 'Transition' EMISSION = 'Emission'
[docs]@jit(cache=True, nopython=True) def cal_single(traj, col_num, state_num): idx = traj[:, col_num:col_num + 2] empty = np.zeros((state_num, state_num)) for i, j in zip(idx[:, 0], idx[:, 1]): empty[i, j] += 1 return empty / traj.shape[0]
[docs]class HMMSimDate(dict): def __init__(self, time_step, state_num, obser_num, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self.time_step = time_step self.state_num = state_num self.obser_num = obser_num self.update(*args, **kwargs) @property def traj(self): return dict.__getitem__(self, "traj") @traj.setter def traj(self, traj_data): assert traj_data.shape[1] == self.time_step dict.__setitem__(self, "traj", traj_data) dict.__setitem__(self, "gt_margin", empirical_marginal( traj_data, self.state_num)) self._cal_joint() @property def sensor(self): return dict.__getitem__(self, "sensor") @sensor.setter def sensor(self, sensor_data): assert sensor_data.shape[1] == self.time_step dict.__setitem__(self, "sensor", sensor_data) dict.__setitem__(self, "fix_margin", empirical_marginal( self["sensor"], self.obser_num)) def _cal_joint(self): record = [] for i in range(self.time_step - 1): record.append(cal_single(self["traj"], i, self.state_num)) self["gt_joint"] = record
[docs] def cal_theory(self, verbose): transition = self[PotentialType.TRANSITION].T init = self[PotentialType.INIT].reshape(-1, 1) state_record = [] observation_record = [] for _ in range(self.time_step): state_record.append(init.flatten()) observation_record.append( (self[PotentialType.EMISSION].T @ init).flatten()) init = transition @ init self["th_margin"] = np.array(state_record) self["th_observation"] = np.array(observation_record) state_err = np.linalg.norm(self["th_margin"] - self["gt_margin"]) obser_err = np.linalg.norm(self["th_observation"] - self["fix_margin"]) self["sim_state_error"] = state_err self["sim_obser_error"] = obser_err if verbose: print(f"Sim state err: {state_err}") print(f"Sim obser err: {obser_err}")
[docs]class HMMSimulator: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, time_step, dim_states, dim_observations, random_seed, is_theorem=False): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self.__name = None self.path = Path('data/sim') self.path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.is_theorem = is_theorem self.rng = RandomState(random_seed) self.record = HMMSimDate(time_step, dim_states, dim_observations) @property def name(self): return self.__name @name.setter def name(self, new_name): self.__name = new_name self.path = Path(f"data/sim/{new_name}") self.path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def register_potential(self, ptype, potential): """register potential for simulation :param ptype: potential type :type ptype: PotentialType :param potential: [description] :type potential: ndarray """ assert isinstance(ptype, PotentialType) if ptype == PotentialType.TRANSITION: assert np.isclose(potential.sum(axis=1), 1).all(),\ "potential should be a conditional distribution" assert potential.shape == ( self.record.state_num, self.record.state_num) elif ptype == PotentialType.EMISSION: assert np.isclose(potential.sum(axis=1), 1).all(),\ "potential should be a conditional distribution" assert potential.shape == ( self.record.state_num, self.record.obser_num) elif ptype == PotentialType.INIT: assert potential.shape == (self.record.state_num,) self.record[ptype] = potential
[docs] def sample_engine(self, state, dim, potential): """sample according to conditional prob table :param state: cur_state :type state: int :param dim: range of next state or observation :type dim: int :param potential: conditional prob table :type potential: ndarray :return: next state or observation :rtype: int """ assert state < self.record.state_num conditional_prob = potential[state, :] next_state = self.rng.choice(dim, p=conditional_prob) return next_state
[docs] def step(self, state): """do a states transition sample :param state: current states :type state: int :return: the next states :rtype: int """ return self.sample_engine(state, self.record.state_num, self.record[PotentialType.TRANSITION])
[docs] def observe(self, state): """do a emission sample :param state: current states :type state: int :return: the observation of cur states :rtype: int """ return self.sample_engine(state, self.record.obser_num, self.record[PotentialType.EMISSION])
def __init_stats_sampler(self): return self.rng.choice(self.record.state_num, p=self.record[PotentialType.INIT])
[docs] def sample(self, num_sample): self.record["num_sample"] = num_sample traj_recorder = [] for _ in range(num_sample): states = [] single_state = self.__init_stats_sampler() for _ in range(self.record.time_step): states.append(single_state) single_state = self.step(single_state) traj_recorder.append(states) self.record.traj = np.array(traj_recorder).reshape(num_sample, -1) self.record.sensor = self.observe_traj(self.record.traj) self.get_precious()
[docs] def observe_traj(self, traj): rtn = np.zeros_like(traj) loop_iter = np.nditer(traj, flags=['multi_index']) for i in loop_iter: rtn[loop_iter.multi_index] = self.observe(i) return rtn
[docs] def reset(self): for key in ["traj", "sensor", "fix_margin", "gt_margin", "gt_joint"]: if key in self.record: del self.record[key]
[docs] def viz_emission_potential(self): axes = sns.heatmap(self.record[PotentialType.EMISSION]) axes.set_title("Emission Potential") fig = axes.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{self.path}/hmm_emission.png") plt.close(fig)
[docs] def viz_trans_potential(self): axes = sns.heatmap(self.record[PotentialType.TRANSITION]) axes.set_title("Transition Potential") fig = axes.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{self.path}/hmm_transition.png") plt.close(fig)
[docs] def viz_gt(self): gt_margin = self.get_hidden_margin() axes = sns.heatmap(gt_margin.T) axes.set_title("Evolution of distribution") axes.set_xlabel("time") fig = axes.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{self.path}/gt.png") plt.close(fig)
[docs] def viz_sensor(self): sensor = self.get_fix_margin() axes = sns.heatmap(sensor.T) axes.set_title("Evolution of distribution") axes.set_xlabel("time") fig = axes.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{self.path}/sensor.png") plt.close(fig)
[docs] def get_fix_margin(self, time_step=None): """return observation marginal :param time_step: if int then return a specific time distribution otherwise all distributions as matrxi, defaults to None :type time_step: int, optional :return: array for single time_step or a matrix :rtype: ndarray """ key_word = "th_observation" if self.is_theorem else "fix_margin" if isinstance(time_step, int): return self.record[key_word][time_step, :] return self.record[key_word]
[docs] def get_hidden_margin(self, time_step=None): """return ground truth marginal :param time_step: if int then return a specific time distribution otherwise all distributions as matrix, defaults to None :type time_step: int, optional :return: array for single time_step or a matrix :rtype: ndarray """ key_word = "th_margin" if self.is_theorem else "gt_margin" if isinstance(time_step, int): return self.record[key_word][time_step, :] return self.record[key_word]
[docs] def get_traj(self): return self.record["traj"]
[docs] def get_sensor(self): return self.record["sensor"]
[docs] def get_gt_joint(self): return self.record["gt_joint"]
[docs] def get_transition_potential(self): return self.record[PotentialType.TRANSITION]
[docs] def get_emission_potential(self): return self.record[PotentialType.EMISSION]
[docs] def get_init_potential(self): return self.record[PotentialType.INIT]
[docs] def get_precious(self, time_step=None, verbose=False): """return precious marginal :param time_step: if int then return a specific time distribution otherwise all distributions as matrix, defaults to None :type time_step: int, optional :param verbose: whether or not ouput difference between simulation and theorical margin :return: array for single time_step or a matrix :rtype: ndarray """ if "th_margin" not in self.record: self.record.cal_theory(verbose) if isinstance(time_step, int): return self.record["th_margin"][time_step, :] return self.record["th_margin"]
[docs] def save(self): sim_path = f"{self.path}/sim.pkl" with open(sim_path, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(self, handle)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, sim_name: str): """load a simulator from pkl file :param sim_name: name for the simulator :type sim_name: str :return: simulator :rtype: simulator """ sim_path = f"data/sim/{sim_name}/sim.pkl" with open(sim_path, 'rb') as handle: simulator = pickle.load(handle) return simulator